Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Mechwarrior Templar

By Scott Murphy

This is my scratchbuilt 1/60 Battletech mech, the Templar. It's painted in the Grey Death mercenary company's usual grey-on-grey colour scheme. I built this mech to be in scale with the old Armorcast mechs, the Atlas, Madcat and Vulture.  It stands about 8 inches tall.

To build this mech I started with the paper plan available on the net which are from the Mechwarrior 4 video game. The paper plans really speed  up the process. Where I used to spend forever drawing plans, trying to figure height and proportions now I can just print up the paper model pages cut it out and transfer it to styrene.

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